


Opening Hours

Wed & Fri: 9AM - 10AM

Have you met somebody or had to live, work or cooperate with a person who is dealing with hidden anger? Not only that it affects you, but it also causes a major issues in angry person’s life.

Anger problem makes person feel isolated, unaccomplished and dissatisfied with life, yet many times the person does not even recognize that they have anger problem. We all get angry from time to time. There is a huge difference between having an anger problem and having anger issues. Believe it or not, people with anger issues often appear kind, giving and timid in public or in dealign with others. That is until the trigger happens!

Here are some examples on how to spot a person with hidden anger issue:

  • They are easily irritated
  • They call others demeaning, rude, or profane names
  • They show no patience for others
  • They go rapidly from calm to furious
  • They blame others for all their life problem
  •  They isolating themselves when they feel angry
  • They are  sarcastic when it isn’t funny
  • They become enraged over insignificant thing
  • They criticizing others or trying to make them feel small
  • They steal or destroying your property or the property of others as a response to angerThey notice  that people seem afraid of them often

There are mental health issues that can impact and worsen anger, such as bipolar disorder, anxiety, drug addiction and substance abuse, eating disorders and others.

While in many cases only extensive professional mental counseling, medications and therapy can help with anger issues, for you is important to recognize them in others and yourself.  Denial is number one killer of any progress.

Yoga and Meditation: 

Yoga can help many people gradually overcome their anger. Yoga is not a substitute for anger therapy, but can be used in anger management.

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