


Opening Hours

Wed & Fri: 9AM - 10AM

Chakra in Sanskrit means a “wheel” and refers to the energy flow in your body.Seven main chakras are located in your body and provide subtle energy that helps your organs, mind, and intellect work at their best level.

The Heart Chakra

Physical Location:

The heart chakra can be found in the middle of the chest, around the heart. It is considered the bridge between the lower and upper chakras. 

When practicing yoga and to achieve a deep meditation state, Chakras can be combined with Mudras.

In each of my classes, I practice combining chakra with mudra. 10 minutes meditation after the class helps my students distress and continue to enjoy their day.

In life, it is necessary to have a good communication skills.

Buddhi Mudra that is based on elements of fire and water, helps us understand the connectin between the elements. 

Air helps fire and to control the  fire we need water.

By touching the tips of the little finger and thumb together, you are enhancing intuitive communication. The elements of fire and water are brought together, and this symbolizes communication and openness. It can also help strengthen your intuitive knowledge.

This mudra is now always easy to achieve, but practice makes it perfect! ~ Namaste


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