


Opening Hours

Wed & Fri: 9AM - 10AM

Not to brag, but todays class was amazing! 

I no longer try to look pretty when I practice yoga and I rarely step on the scale. Why is that? Because I learned how to accept my less then perfect self and appreciate who I am. I am not here to please others, but only to live my own fulfilling  life as abundantly as I can. Let’s keep in mind, abundance does not mean the same to all of us. We are different after all!

In our class we aimed to highlight a freedom from judgment and overall acceptance. 

As humans we have a tendency to compare, compete and consequently judge, even when we are not aware that we do that. This is typical of what we call industrialized and developed Western society, 

To implement any significant change in life, radical acceptance is necessary. One of the greatest tools to help us with radical acceptance is the practice of yoga. When practicing yoga, we engage our mind, body and heart, we become Oneness. Yoga is about self love and taking care of ourselves, so that we can come to a peaceful state when we can thing clearly. 

Mindset is such powerful thing. That is why changing mindset does not come easy. Practice of postures, breathing and mental activities help us increase focus and concentration, thus enables a better control of emotions and impulse. 

Is yoga  yoga good for your personality type? 

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