


Opening Hours

Wed & Fri: 9AM - 10AM

Welcome to the world of Chair Yoga, a practice that brings the benefits of Vinyasa Yoga to those who may have limited mobility or find it challenging to perform traditional yoga poses on the mat. Chair Yoga is a modified form of Vinyasa Yoga that embraces the essence of flow and mindfulness while utilizing a chair as a prop for support. In this article, we will explore the principles and benefits of Chair Yoga and how it can bring strength, flexibility, and peace to your body and mind.

Finding the Flow in Stillness:

Vinyasa Yoga is known for its fluid, dynamic movements that seamlessly transition from one pose to another, synchronizing breath with movement. In Chair Yoga, we adapt this concept of flow to suit individuals who are unable to participate in a typical yoga class due to physical limitations. By using a chair as a prop, we find ways to create a sense of flow and movement even in stillness.

Chair Yoga Poses:

Chair Yoga incorporates a variety of seated and standing poses that are modified to be performed with the support of a chair. From gentle twists and forward folds to chest openers and gentle backbends, these poses help to improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, and promote balance and stability.

Seated Mountain Pose:
Begin by sitting tall with your feet flat on the ground. Place your hands on your thighs, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Feel the connection of your body with the chair, grounding yourself in the present moment.

Chair Sun Salutations:
Perform a seated variation of the traditional Sun Salutation sequence, starting with reaching your arms overhead, folding forward, and extending your legs out in front of you. Move with intention and breathe deeply as you flow through each movement.

Chair Warrior:
From a seated position, bring one foot forward and extend it out while keeping the other foot grounded. Reach your arms overhead, creating a gentle stretch through your sides and legs. Repeat on the other side, finding balance and stability in the pose.

Benefits of Chair Yoga:

Accessibility: Chair Yoga opens the door to yoga for individuals who have physical limitations, injuries, or difficulty with balance. The use of a chair provides support and stability, allowing them to experience the benefits of yoga practice.

Increased Flexibility: Gentle stretches and movements in Chair Yoga help to improve flexibility, relieve muscle tension, and enhance joint mobility.

Strength and Stability: Chair Yoga poses engage and strengthen various muscle groups, including the core, arms, and legs. Improved stability contributes to better posture and balance.

Mind-Body Connection: Like Vinyasa Yoga, Chair Yoga emphasizes the synchronization of breath with movement. This cultivates mindfulness, reduces stress, and fosters a deeper connection between the body and mind.

Energy and Vitality: Chair Yoga promotes a gentle flow of energy throughout the body, leaving practitioners feeling rejuvenated and revitalized.

Chair Yoga is a beautiful adaptation of Vinyasa Yoga that makes the practice accessible to individuals who may face physical limitations. By incorporating the principles of flow, mindfulness, and breath awareness, Chair Yoga offers a path to improved flexibility, strength, and balance while nurturing the mind-body connection.

Whether you are a beginner, someone with limited mobility, or simply looking to explore a new dimension of your yoga practice, Chair Yoga can be a transformative experience. Embrace the stillness, find your flow, and let Chair Yoga guide you towards greater well-being and harmony.

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