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Wed & Fri: 9AM - 10AM

Are you Vata , Pitta or Kapha? 

Ayurvedic diet is simple. It requires eating three well cooked and well balanced meals, lunch being your biggest meal and dinner your lightest. It is largely based of fruits and vegetables, mostly cooked,  whole food. Processed food and raw food is to be avoided, Ayurveda favors vegetarian food over meats and allows milk, yogurts  and soft cheese. That sounds super easy! 

For vegans, milk can be substituted with almond milk and cheese can be completely avoided. 

Ayurveda uses rich herbal teas and abundant spices. It is important to notice that spices not only flavor food, bur also support our digestive system. 

Avoid Raw and Processed Food

Raw food is harder to digest, therefore avoided. Caffeine and alcohol can be consumed in moderation. 

Each dosha, or body type has the best diet that fist the body type. Ayurveda has developed a deep understanding between the food and human dosha. While following the charts and learning the science of ayurvedic diet can be daunted, there are many simple meals in ayurvedic diet that gained great popularity.

Have Yourself some Avocado Toast

For example, did you know that avocado toast came from Ayurveda? This popular breakfast is simple to make. Toast the bread in the pan on some olive oil. Add raw avocado on the top of the toasted bread and smash it with fork. Sprinkle with Himalayan salt and curry powder. Add some cherry tomatoes and garlic, should you wish. For those with sweet tooth, skip tomato and garlic, but add some jam and tahini on the top. Enjoy! 

Next: The Benefits of Eating Ayurvedic meals…

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